Welcome to Green Spring Farm cow herd dispersal sale. Development of this outstanding purebred Shorthorn herd has been a 42 year passion of Dr. Raymond Ediger, a veterinarian, with longtime love for the breed. From the very first purchase, performance and functional cattle has been the primary goal. Today, after strict culling and careful line breeding, this herd has some of the top cows in the breed and is an exceptional opportunity to purchase out-bred genetics.

By stressing performance and economical traits, the herd has become well known for feed efficiency, rate of gain, feet and legs, deep bodies, good utters, fertility and longevity. In the 42 years there has never been a cow that has had her feet trimmed. If there is the wrong angle to the foot, she was culled. The same was true of udders. The result is a uniform herd of high performance sound cattle. Many steers have won rate of gain and carcass contests in the region over not only Shorthorn cattle, but all other breeds as well. Show winners, although never the main focus of the herd, have also been numerous including the most recent 2009 champion bull, RDE MB Frederick 876, at the Eastern Regional Shorthorn Show.

Presently there is only one purchased female in the herd, all the other cattle in some way trace back to the original pure bred Shorthorn heifer purchased in 1968. This solid red calf was the offspring of a Gambler cow from the University of Virginia's performance herd following their dispersal.

Many bulls have left an impact on the herd over the years, both by A.I. and natural service. Selection of the bulls was not based on the fad of that day, but rather on developing the type of cattle that are consistent and profitable. Many of the popular named bulls are completely absent from the pedigrees. Several bulls developed within the herd have left outstanding sets of females and are some of the individuals being offered in this sale. One of the bulls used recently was Wolf Ridge Sampson POC35. He is presently in the gene pool study at the USDA Clay Livestock Research Center in Nebraska.

In the past we have enjoyed a number of visitors including Dr. Ron Bolze, Dick and Aaron Hahn, Mark Ebling, Gary Kaper, David McElhaney and Gene McDonald. Their comments were truly flattering, "Some of the best Shorthorn females we have seen". Many are of donor quality. The secret is out that this is truly one of the outstanding Shorthorn herds.

Although selling the cows has been a difficult decision, it is an excellent opportunity for the serious Shorthorn breeder to introduce genetics into the Shorthorn breed that will continue to make it the great breed that it is. Here one can truly buy with confidence.

Dr. Raymond D. and Louise Ediger

Telephones: (H) 301-898-9945 (C) 301-788-2250
Web Page: www.rdeshorthorns.com

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