We had a note this winter from Mike Dunphy that he had obtained a bound volume of The Shorthorn in America published by the ASA from 1916 to 1922. In the Oct 16, 1916 issue was an article titled. "Shorthorns at Eastern Agricultural Colleges. "The foundation of a herd of Shorthorns at the Pennsylvania State College was laid in 1910 by former Prof. Cochel and I am indebted to Prof. B.O. Severson for the following information regarding its development. Prof. Cochel first secrued a cow of J.H. Miller of Indiana and a little later a pair of cows near Waynesburg, Pa., these being of the dual purpose type charactestistic of several herds in the state. " The two heifers mention are shown above. On the right is Lazear Eisiminger (Bradley's Dad) and on the left is Charles Eisiminger, brother to Lazear. It surely took a good part of the day for the boys to walk those two heifers from Woodside Farm to the train siding in Waynesburg. We just thought you might like to know of our herd playing a part of the establishment of the Penn State herd that went on to have numerous noted show winners on a national level. While looking for the photo of the Penn State heifers, we came across this photo of Buckeye Billy, ASA #143202 with Ingraham Cummins, Waynesburg, Pa., a great uncle to both Bradley and Kim Eisiminger, at the halter. Many breeders in the area bred their cows to Buckeye Billy in his day.