Feature Sires
CSC American Patriot 196
2008 Pa. Farm Show Grand
Eionmor Ultra 8C x
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Grant Alexander Report


Oct 21, 2017
37th Annual Keystone
Autumn Klassic
Woodside Farm,
Waynesburg, Pa
Feature Sires

Homedale Kodak B x

Above is an unretouched photo of Homedale Kodak B x at Woodside Farm, Waynesburg, Pa. He is a son of Homedale Blizzard x and out of a daughter of Shadybrook Jack 11H *x - Homedale Flash x. We will have several 2007 calves by him and anticipate him to be a calving ease bull like his sire and grandsire, Eionmor Mr Gus 80C x.


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Feature Photos
Homedale 5 Star Ruby
Dam of Lot 53 Embryos
2010 KAK
MH Cindy Beauty 8175 JF
Lot 27 2010 KAK with
Capiche Heifer Calf
Woodside Acc. Robin x
Daughter Of Accomplished
Sale Catalogs

2017 Sale Catalogs

2017 Keystone Autumn Klassic Oct 21, 2017

Feature Females
MH Augusta Pride 4101 SN
Marsch Show Cattle Donor
PBF Lora Trump 1H
Hively's Highland Farm
SS Sweet Success 810 x
Reedy Donor Female